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School Counseling

The Nolensville High School Counseling Department is dedicated to assisting all our students in reaching their full potential. NHS strives to educate the whole student, creating life-long learners and seekers of excellence. In support of this mission, the Nolensville High School Counseling program is designed to address the needs of all students by helping them to acquire competencies in career planning and exploration, knowledge of self and others, and educational and vocational development through individual planning, counseling curriculum, responsive services, and individual counseling, and support services.

Through the Counseling Center, students can draw on various resources, including frequent visits by college representatives, a library of college guides, scholarship information, financial aid, and standardized testing. Programs sponsored by the Counseling Center include Williamson County College Fair, Financial Aid Night, NHS College Night, and relevant grade level, informational classroom presentations.

Each counselor works with students in acquiring guidance competencies that form the foundation for their next steps educationally and occupationally. They assist students in developing realistic educational and career plans based on a clear understanding of themselves, their needs, interests, skills, and the realities and possibilities of the worlds of education at work.


Mark your Calendars!

  • January 14th - EIC Roadshow visit
  • January 15th - Internet Safety Presentation
  • Mid-January - Registration for 25-26 school year begins
  • January 16th - AP Fair Night and Rising 10th-12th parent night
  • January 17th - Coffee with Counselors Registration Edition
  • January 29th - EIC Open House
  • February 3rd - TN Promise Mandatory Meeting for Seniors, 3:20 PM in the Cafeteria
  • March 18th - Junior ACT Day
  • May 22nd - Graduation, 7:30 PM at NHS

Nolensville Counseling Department

Registrar - Kelly Danner

Counseling Secretary - Barbara Driscoll

Students are assigned School Counselors by last name:

Students with last names A-D - Jacquline Collins

Students with last names E-K - Stacey Landa

Students with last names L - Maggie Randlett

Students with last names M-R - Christie Battenfield

Students with last names S-Z - Jennifer Maass

Extended Counseling Staff:  

School Social Worker - Lori Thompson

504 Coordinator - Lindsay Naylor

School Psychologist - Sarah Ann Sowada

STARS - Zachary Simmons and Aaliyah Mathis