Planning for Success in High School
Take an active part in mapping out and carefully planning your high school courses for a successful high school career. High school planning helps students track and plan their high school courses so that it aligns with their academic and career goals through course offerings, planning guides, and graduation requirements.
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- College, Career and Technical Education (CCTE)
- Credit Recovery
- Credit Requirements for Graduation
- Dual Enrollment
- Grading System and Scale
- Graduation Requirements
- Industry 4.0 Diploma Distinction
- PE Waiver Form
- Tennessee Governor's School Information
- WCS Diploma Honoring Volunteerism
Advanced Placement (AP)
College, Career and Technical Education (CCTE)
Credit Recovery
Credit Requirements for Graduation
Dual Enrollment
Grading System and Scale
Graduation Requirements
Industry 4.0 Diploma Distinction
PE Waiver Form
Tennessee Governor's School Information
WCS Diploma Honoring Volunteerism
Nolensville High School Course Offerings
Nolensville High School students have many opportunities through our program of study and extracurricular activities to pursue excellence in academics, athletics, and the arts. In each course, we strive to challenge our students daily with highly rigorous curricula, bell-to-bell instruction, and strategies designed to facilitate learner success at all levels.
Courses offered at NHS may require a sufficient number of student registrants in order to be offered during the year. If there is not sufficient interest in a particular course, it may not be provided during the upcoming year. Many of our classes have recommendations that are listed prior to the course description.
Courses are offered at the following levels:
- Advanced Placement (AP) Courses: designed to prepare a student to earn college credit through the successful completion of the AP Test in a particular subject area.
- Honors Courses: a challenging pace designed for students who have displayed a record of academic success.
- College Preparatory Courses: all courses are considered college preparatory unless specifically labeled otherwise.
- Resource Courses: open only to students who have been approved and placed in the course through their Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
Registration for the next school year begins in February. Counselors will begin by visiting each grade level to explain the steps to register for classes for the next school year.
The 2024 - 2025 Course List lists all classes offered at Nolensville High School for the 2024-2025 school year.
The 2025 - 2026 Course List lists all classes offered at Nolensville High School for the 2025-2026 school year.
WCS Program Planning Guide includes course descriptions, course sequences, and more for all of Williamson County Schools.
Below is grade level information for the 2024 - 2025 school year:
Organization of School Day and Year
There are eight periods in the school day, with a period in the middle of the day for lunch and academic intervention. Students are generally scheduled for six credit classes and one study hall. Students may request a seventh credit class in lieu of a study hall.
NHS follows the semester system with four, nine-week grading periods. Class periods are 47 minutes in length with eight periods per day when following the normal schedule. The school year is 180 days with school hours from 7:40 AM to 2:47 PM.
Upon graduation from NHS, students will have completed:
- English Language Arts – 4 Credits
- Math – 4 Credits
- Science – 3 Credits
- Social Studies – 3 Credits
- Personal Finance – 0.5 Credit
- Wellness/Physical Education – 1.5 Credits
- World Language – 2 Credits
- Fine Arts – 1 Credit
- Elective Focus – 3 Credits